All the Little Children



I’m working on a manuscript of poetry that deals with my childhood and the abuse I endured. Needless to say, my past isn’t always an easy to revisit. Sometimes it’s depressing, because it was definitely depressing and other times it’s empowering, because I had the strength to survive it.

So many children don’t and this is something that always pains me. Years ago, I wrote a poem where I wished I could be the last survivor of child abuse. Of course, I knew that wasn’t possible, but still, I wish it was. I’m sure that adults who survive cancer feel the same way when they hear about children who don’t make it.

Recently, I heard about a little boy in England, named Harry Moseley who died of brain cancer. He was only eleven years old, but in his short life, Harry managed to raise £85,000 or $137,000.00 for brain cancer research. He did this by fundraising and selling hand-made bracelets.

Here is Harry’s website if you’d like to contribute to his efforts –

Harry Moseley was a true hero, but I’ve seen the faces of children going through similar hardships, and they are all heroes too. These young heroes teach us all a wonderful lesson. Life isn’t always about what we make of it, but how we endure it. We are all sometimes forced to face things we’d rather not, but sometimes there is no other choice, but to face them.

Of course, Harry did more than face this problems, he found a way to help others. In a much smaller way, that’s what I’m hoping to do with my book.

God bless you Harry and God bless all the other children in the world who face the ugliness that life sometimes gives us, and do it with hope and a smile.

This entry was posted in Abuse, Cancer, children, Coping, Death, Depression, hope, laughter, Survival, wisdom. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to All the Little Children

  1. KjM says:

    I read your entry, Rachel, not long after you posted it – but was (possibly remain) at a loss for words that mean anything in the face of the topic.

    I do know the power of poetry, and its ability to express what sometimes seems too powerful for words. Back in 1993, here in the San Francisco Bay area, I wrote fifty or so poems in a little over a month, simply to get out into the light (what seemed like) a vast amount of pain, anger, hurt, …stuff…

    It helped.

    I applaud your intent with this book of poetry and wish you well in its birth.

    • Blackbirdsong says:

      Thank you Kevin. It’s a tough project, that’s for sure, but as I said, it’s also cathartic. Thank you for the support. You have no idea how much that means to me.

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